
Andrei Siderski

World known yoga master, diver, creator of ...

Egor Zigura

Appreciates the balance between an active devel...

Sergiy Oleksyuk

The artist creates his Santorini paintings-impr...

Nikita Zigura

Raises topical issues of ecology in relationshi...

Volodymyr Vanin

True master of miniature enamel pain...

Bogdan Andriitsev

Accepts process of creating and art in any form...
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City and park sculptures

We provide management services in creating art projects, and our aim — carefully and responsible help to support and develop the live environment. Main sculpture projects, which were created with our art management services:  "The New Prometheus" by Egor Zigura ...

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«Єднання» у Києві

Українські митці Єгор та Микита Зігура разом з арт-менеджерським сервісом долучилися до міфології київського простору — у надвечір'ї на лівому березі Дніпра можна «зловити сонце у серці Єднання». 7 вересня 2019 було відкрито «Єднання» — скульптуру у публічно...

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Fragments from the book “Yoga Art” by Ajit Mook...

Yoga art offers the total perception: All is One Reality is one, without a second. To realize through inner apprehension the oneness of all things by uniting the self with the Self, subject with object, zero with infinite – to intuit this supreme knowledge is the purpose of yoga and its...

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Success of Ukrainian enamel miniatures at the i...

The original enamel miniature "Even Fish would be singing, if it had a voice” by Volodymyr Vanin was awarded twice at international exhibitions — in the UK and USA. In the summer of 2016 it was awarded by The Sue Lee Award (with Tudor Rose) at the Annual Exhibition of Hilliard Society of Mini...

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The Geometry of Enlightment in a polithechnical...

Nowadays  the exhibition "The Geometry of Enlightment" is on in the State Polythechnic Museum. There are works of psychotronic art by Andrei Siderski, emphasized by grotesque sculptures by Bogdan Andriitsev. The exhibition is open untill 15.02.2018.(photo: Oles Badio)Detailed information is...

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