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Andrei Siderski

Born: 1960

Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine

Living and Working: Kyiv

About The Artist

World known yoga master, diver, creator of paintings in Psychotronic Art, poet, and writer, whose works left an indelible impression on those who experienced them. Andrei Siderski (also known as Andre Sidersky, Andrey Sidersky) is a soul and spirit of Siderski Yoga Studio, was an author and developer of Yoga training system — Yoga23,  creative director of  Yoga23 (Y23) international project and Slavic ZEN Magazine.

Siderski was born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 1964 – 1968 studied in Naum Ostashynskiy art school for children.

Aimed to prevent specific form of scoliosis and further paralysis of the lower limbs, Siderski started active training in swimming in 1969 and in 1976 he started to learn yoga gymnastic exercises and breathing techniques as a part of training for swimmers and divers.

After that Siderski started his career as a competitive swimmer, later becoming a licensed professional diver, diving instructor, and free-diver. In 1981-1983, based on yoga swimming technique (plavita-saddhana) and his own experience, he developed and introduced a unique training method that allowed swimmers increasing their breath-holding ability. He works with leading Russian and Ukrainian free-divers as a yoga expert and underwater photographer and is known among professional free-divers as "Crazy... Monster Free-dive Cameraman." His "Zen video-etudes" won a special prize and numerous awards at "Silver Shark" International Underwater Art Festival in "Best Video Film" and "Best Video Story" categories.

Andrei Siderski has practiced yoga actively since 1978. At 1980 he started using yoga elements when training divers, then taught yoga to a few select free-divers and some other sportsmen, eventually expanding his audiences, teaching yoga and yoga therapy. At the moment Siderski is one of the world's leading specialists in developing modern yoga teaching methods and psychotronic training techniques. 

As a result of almost 40 years of yoga practice and over 25 years of improving yoga-teaching methods, Siderski developed Yoga23 (Y23)  a systematic approach to yoga teaching, optimized for the conditions of the modern society.
Andrei Siderski went through all the stages every qualified yoga teacher must pass — from studying classics to intuitive method of practicing and teaching… And went on into the area of discovering new yoga principles and expanding the human knowledge of the World structure.

He's an author of three professional books, and numerous articles on yoga theory and practice. He also translated Carlos Castaneda's A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, The Fire from Within, Richard Bach's Johnatan Livingston Seagull, selected works of Mantak Chia, Sri Swami Sivanandra, Svatmarama's Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and other works. He is an author of books «The Third Discovery of Power» and «Eight circles yoga».

Yoga significantly influenced Siderski's style of painting, and in 1990-2003 he developed Psychotronic Art — a psycho-technological action movement, which is based on the effect — geometric objects' colored surfaces have an influence on energy-informational space content. Artworks of Andrei Siderski are performed in abstract painting genre. 

An important view on his professional practice is revealed according to the book by Ajit Mukherjee "Yoga Art" (published in 1975) about works of visual art created by yoga practitioners. 

An interesting detail is that Andrei Siderski established the first yoga studio in Kyiv, Ukraine, in the area, where Kazimir Malevich, a pioneer of geometric abstract art and the originator of the avant-garde Suprematist movement, lived and learned, and where, we can say, metaphysics of the place transforms into a physical creativity.

As envisioned by the author Siderski's paintings are intended to give practical help in addressing challenges encountered by an individual in the modern society. To name such approach the artist has suggested the term Psychotronic Art (he used earlier also the short term Psy Art, but later abandoned it because of the risk that it will be wrongly interpreted as a psychedelic). In the words of Siderski, this is the mindset, the way of interaction with the world, which goes beyond mere images, but is greater: this is making your life.

“Art  is usually an expression of the creator, artist. But my paintings are a technology. Besides having an aesthetic function they also help to set up the space in a certain way... Icons, yantras, mandalas influence in a similar way as psychotronic art. The inspiration prevents this approach. That is why I try to "remove myself", and instead tune in to a certain wave, and read the information that is needed to create. It is a some kind of meditation. Depending on the technique, the artwork can be easily created, or its creation may take several months. Sometimes, the image is discovered at once and then I need to work out details, that is the most difficult thing. I can not explain how it is done - there are things that can not be described in words, but I can pass this skill to another person. I make no secret of it..." (from an interview with Andrei Siderski for "The People", April 2015).

Siderski sets quite practical goals for his abstract paintings. This may be overcoming complex family or business issues, or hardships in communication with the others. Paintings are intended to sustain the inner power, to bring clarity and piece in mental processes, assist more complete perception of own inner world. His Psychotronic Art serves as an aid to find the way out of a deadlock, a tool for expansion of consciousness. It is thereby implied that the work of paintings remains unnoticed by the observer.

Previously, Siderski created artworks for solving specific problems and his paintings were functionally focused, "targeted". A few years ago, he changed his approach. Siderski has set a goal for himself to create works as an universal instrument of influence on the information content in a space. Under the influence of such artwork and driven by their true intentions people would be able to solve any issues that they face.

Almost all the paintings are in private collections and galleries (United States of America, Great Britain, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia). He participated in major exhibitions as well as held personal exhibitions in London, Zurich, Geneva, New-York, and Moscow.

In April 2014 Siderski was rated as 25th by The Art Newspaper Russia in its "The top 50 most expensive living artists of the Russian Art". Later, the magazine's experts have recognized that they erroneously listed the Ukrainian artist among Russian artists, but an assessment of the value of his artworks in the ranking was justified.

Art shows and exhibitions:

2004 — participated in the art show On the Wall Art Fair, Olympia Grand Hall, Kensington, London, UK;
2004 — participated in the Zurich International Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland;
2004 — personal exhibition at the Harbour Club, Chelsea, London, UK;
2004 — personal exhibition at Wotton House, Buckinghamshire, UK;
2005 — exhibition Psychotronic Art by Andre Sidersky, Artexpo-2005, New York, USA;
2005 — personal exhibition Psychotronic Art by Andre Sidersky, The Gallery in the Cork Street, Cork Street, Mayfair, London, UK;
2005 — exhibition From Sots-Realism to Psychotronic Art, TheGallery, 54 London, UK;
2005 — participated in the International Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland;
2006 — exhibition in Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, USA;
2006 — exhibition Psychotronic Art by Andre Sidersky, Europe'ARTGeneva, Geneva, Switzerland;
2007 — personal exhibition, "PSYART" Moscow Yoga Federation, Moscow, Russia;
2007 — personal exhibition, "Geometry of Enlightenment", Elena Vrublevskaya Gallery, Moscow, Russia;
2008 — personal exhibition, "Dao of Abstract Meanings" Elena Vrublevskaya Gallery, Moscow, Russia;
2008 — participated in the International Art Fair "Art Moscow", Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia;
2009 — personal exhibition, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine;
2009 — participated in the International Art Fair "Art Moscow", Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia;
2009 — exhibition at the auction house HAMPEL, Munich, Germany;
2009 — participation in the auction HAMPEL, Munich, Germany;
2009 — performance, Munich, Germany;
2010 — personal exhibition in Munich, Germany;
2010 — participated in a group project in the framework of Transpersonal Congress "SPACE MASTERS", Moscow, Russia;
2011 — personal exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia;
2016 — participation in the International Art Fair Warsaw, Poland.
2017 — a project "Geometry of Enlightenment: Psychotronic art by Andrei Siderski, grotesque sculpture by Bogdan Andriitsev" at the Museum of History of Kyiv, at kmbs (Ukraine), at State Polytechnic Museum (Kyiv, Ukraine).

The article "The art of inner harmony" by Evgenia Emets about artworks by Andrei Siderski, written after the exposition "The Geometry of Enlightenment" in the Elena Vrublevskaya Gallery (February 2008).






The Door

The Door












The Five

The Five













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