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Bogdan Andriitsev

Born: 1976

Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine

Living and Working: Kyiv

About The Artist

Accepts process of creating and art in any form and in any field as the primary and undeniable value of human's life.


2016 — International Art Fair Warsaw (Poland),

2016, 2017 — annual exhibitions of The Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers (London, UK),

2017 — a project "Geometry of Enlightenment: Psychotronic art by Andrei Siderski, grotesque sculpture by Bogdan Andriitsev" at the Museum of History of Kyiv, at kmbs (Ukraine), at State Polytechnic Museum (Kyiv, Ukraine),

2017 — a group exhibition in the project "Land responds"  (Ukraine).

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